natasha_fyle 2nd August 2007

I have learnt that some things are not meant to be understood in our human form but the one thing that I do know for sure is that GOD has it all under control no matter how bad or painful it is for us. I will therefore not let the enemy steal my joy, Everyday I am alive I am grateful that I have been given a chance to make a difference to someone elses life. You see I am a great believer in the word of GOD and he knows my heart as he does yours. I know I'm not perfect but he accepts me as I am. You too are a work of art and I urge you to put all your trust in the God that you cannot see as he will help you through this difficult time.He felt your pain before you did and all he wants you both to do is trust him. I will keep you in my prayers but be assured that Jessica is being taken care of by an awesome God who loves his children unconditionally. Jessica is a child of God Julie be assured by that xxxx